On Monday 12th of October 2015, Future Foundations delivered an Interview Skills Day on site at Okehampton College in Devon. The programme was delivered to 257 Year 10 students and looked at raising their aspirations, encouraging personal responsibility, and inspiring them to set SMART goals for the future. It also covered showing students what goes into having a successful interview by doing sessions on what your body language is secretly saying, the importance of first impressions and how to communicate at your best.
The programme was Course Directed by Owen Bailey and our Future Foundations coaches were Simone Vincenzi, Laina Pattni, Laurence Allison-Greiner and Matthew Winn.
- Encourage students to approach their mock interviews seriously, highlighting the importance of practice for success
- Help the students to understand the basics of body language in an interview scenario
- Introduce students to tips and techniques of good interviews as well as bad
- Build the students’ confidence and belief in themselves
- Enable students to communicate effectively and sell themselves in an interview scenario through peer practice
- Provide a fun and interactive experience which the students will remember
“The team had a great day which was fun and interactive, sharing tips and tricks while doing activities on what employers are looking for and what makes a good interview.
One of the eye opening parts of the day for the Year 10s was how important it was to be on time and the use of positive body language from the little things such as a handshake and good eye contact when being interviewed and how unconsciously they are giving off an impression to the interviewer.
Overall the students feedback was that they now have a clearer understanding of the interview process and what it takes to present themselves for success.”
– Owen Bailey, Course Director