As I walked up to the stage to collect my award for Staff Member of the Year, there was shining memory that came to mind from my 4 years working with Future Foundations. As well as the gratitude I felt and beaming smile that touched my ears, one moment stood out that has contributed hugely to my success.
In October 2012, I visited my first Future Foundations programme, I was excited to be involved but no idea what to expect or know how far this journey would take me. I sat in the audience watching a Course Director called Mary Daniels give an exciting opening session that captivated the students – I felt their energy rise and their minds open, I knew I was in the right place. As we left the session at Highgate School I was talking to Pete, one of the Directors, about what it means to be a coach. He welcomed me to the team with sheer excitement and left me with a thought-provoking idea. He said, “I expect you to lead our programmes in the future”.
I was surprised, excited and nervous all in the same second. He really believed I could do that?? Maybe I could…
And so I did. Less than 3 years later, I directed my first programme. After learning to be a great coach, lots of hard work and honing my leadership skills, I stepped up to be a Course Director.
Since I joined in 2012 I’ve had the privilege of working alongside so many great staff that have taught me so much, with so many great students that have given me the opportunity to work with them and most importantly, I’ve have the belief and support of great leaders.
I accept this award of Staff Member of The Year with great honor, thank you Pete and Jon for believing in me and thank you to everyone at Future Foundations for being on my journey with me.

Sometimes others see potential in us that we can’t. Once we believe they could be right, we allow ourselves to develop into our full potential.
Let’s have an amazing 2016, let’s keep the journey going!