King’s College Aspiration’s Day is an annual programme that has been delivered by Future Foundations since 2012. On Friday the 31st of January, we returned, but with a slightly different focus to previous years.
In the past, the day has been targeted at year 12 students at the end of the summer term, concentrating on raising aspirations for Higher Education through giving information about student finance, advice about how to choose the right university, and giving students the final push of momentum needed for success in their A2 exams.
This year, the programme was aimed at 80 year 11 students from 7 schools in the Wimbledon Independent-State School Partnership area, and focused wholly on university and career choices. Through an interactive session entitled ‘Choosing the Right University’ participants were given the opportunity to think about and appreciate the diverse range of university courses available and universities that interest them.
The programme was Course Directed by Jason, who was assisted by an experienced team of Future Foundations coaches; Tamya, Shane, Jonny, Katherine, Owen and Seven.
The Wimbledon Independent-State School Partnership (ISSP) was created in 2003 and comprises the Coombe Schools, Ursuline, Ricards Lodge and Raynes Park High Schools, Grey Court School, St Mark’s Church of England Academy, King’s and their seven sixth forms.
The partnership comprises a number of collaborative programmes, ranging from teacher training to teach after-school revision classes for GCSE students, societies and subject-extension classes for Sixth-formers.
Wimbledon ISSP aims to:
- Raise attainment of pupils at all the schools in the ISSP;
- Extend the social and educational horizons of the pupils;
- Provide opportunities for teacher CPD;
- Improve management skills at all the schools;
- Extend the range of subjects on offer at the state partner schools;
- Share facilities and resources;
- Include mutual opportunities for governance.
Future Foundations provided a varied programme delivered across the school site, including inspirational plenaries, experiential team tasks and reflection sessions throughout the afternoon, all of which related back to the objectives of the Aspirations programme.
Students moved through three challenging workshops where they explored their strengths, inspirations and passions, also building key skills in self-leadership and time management.
The day finished by asking the young people to set themselves a 30 Day Challenge, which involved SMART goal setting and a pledged commitment for the next 30 Days.
We have received some excellent feedback from Peter Hatch, the Director of Partnerships and Outreach at King’s College School, who observed the programme.
He remarked that “Future Foundations have been incredibly flexible in adapting the programme for King’s College School’s partnership pupils. All presenters and workshop leaders were excellent. It has been a pleasure working with them.”
If you are interested in bringing Future Foundations training to your school please contact to explore how we can help your students to reach their full potential.