Future Foundations’ delivered the biggest one day leadership programme last week at Marlborough College. The event was delivered to 180 Year 12 students, who used the day to look at Leadership within their own school and the wider community.
The programme was course directed by Ella with our largest cohort of Future Foundations coaches; Amit , Jason, Chloe, Shane, Rhea, John Paul , Maya, Owen, Emma, Mark, CJ, Bill, Jeremy and Andy!

The objectives of the Leadership day were to:
- Prepare students for the transition from Lower to Upper Sixth
- Encourage the students to take personal responsibility for their own learning, take academic and personal opportunities
- Help students to identify life goals
- Challenge students to find innovative solutions to school and local issues or opportunities to establish a culture of creativity, engagement and proactivity in the Sixth Form
- Build students confidence, initiative, teamwork, pro-activity and commitment towards their vision through working together on team building tasks.
Future Foundations provided a varied programme delivered across the school site, including experiential team tasks and reflection sessions throughout to relate learning to the objectives of the leadership day. The day was launched with a motivational plenary, delivered by Course Director Ella themed around ‘taking opportunities’.
Students then worked through workshops themed around Self-Leadership and project planning

This was the second time Future Foundations have delivered training at Marlborough College and it was fantastic to work with a group of such engaged students and school staff. In the final sessions of the day student groups created plans for a social action project that they would carry out in the local community or school. These projects ranged in their focus, their target and how they would make an impact. There were projects focused on improving energy usage at the school, running additional activities at school, fundraising for the homeless, racism awareness, food waste and raising awareness of FGM.
It is a truly expansive and varied list, which is incredible, and shows the diverse interests and passions of the Marlborough students.
Teams submitted their plans and one team was selected to receive an investment of £10 from Future Foundations to help kick start their project. Mental Health Awareness Society won this and we are looking forward to checking in with them soon to see their progress and what they have learnt from taking on this project.
All teams were given £10 by Marlborough College as a part of the school’s ‘£10 Challenge’ where they have this initial start-up money, which has to be returned to encourage them to take the ten and turn it into more.
Students were also invited to make use of our Future Foundations 30 Day Challenge app, a support tool to help participants to carry forward the energy and good intentions of the programme into their lives and achieve the SMART goals they had challenged themselves to complete over the next month.
The 30 Day Challenge is an effective and proven goal setting technique which breaks down larger goals into manageable daily steps for a month at a time. Participants choose something they want to do differently, commit to achieving it, one day at a time for a month, and receive support along the way. We wish the Marlborough College students good luck with their projects and the remaining days of their 30 Day Challenge and for those that haven’t yet signed up there is still time to kick start change in your life!
If you are interested in bringing Future Foundations training to your school please contact us to explore how we can help your students to reach their full potential.
Click Here to enquire about our school programmes