The Legacy Careers Project is mid way through its second round of delivery!
The team have been working on the following areas with the young people over the next stage in the Legacy Careers Project…
- Presenting for success. Setting young people up to be the best they can be for presentations!
- Interviews. Every young person is interviewed by a business volunteer over their dream job.
- Prioritising. Working through tasks that gets young people thinking about the level of prioritising.
- Creative arts. Working with a Creative Arts Team, who set up the scenes for movies (incluing a James Bond Movie), young people create their own movie set.
- Become a young entrepreneur. Young People start preparing business plans for Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
- Getting ready for the Final Day presentations in December.
I also would like to say thank you. Really impressed with everything you guys did, comments from students and staff really positive and looking forward to the presentations. – Lead Teacher, Walthamstow Academy