On Wednesday the 4th of September, Future Foundations delivered a Sixth Form Induction Day at Laureate Academy in Hemel Hempstead. This was the second time Future Foundations worked with the school on their Sixth Form Induction programme, as the previous years was a roaring success!
Approximately 65 young people, from both year 12 and year 13, were involved in the programme. It was their very first day back at school, so the key focus was to aid the transition of the students between year 11 and 12, but also to foster integration between students from both years (year 12 and 13).
The programme was Course Directed by Lina, who was supported by Future Foundations coaches Nadia and Shane, as well as four teaching staff from the school.

Laureate Academy is an all-ability community secondary school located in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. The Academy was launched in September of last year, on the site of the Cavendish School.
Laureate Academy is part of Future Academies, a Multi-Academy Trust which has a reputation for achieving the highest standards for all their pupils.
Future Foundations received some great feedback from Laureate Academy staff about the day.
Nicola Murphy, Head of Sixth Form, shared that an “encouraging and warm atmosphere [was] created” and that the programme gave a “framework for students to develop in the global leadership programme.”
She also stated that the FF team were “professional and engaging. Thorough in planning and delivery”… “Students described it as an excellent start to the term.”
If you are interested in bringing Future Foundations training to your school please contact alice@future-foundations.co.uk to explore how we can help your students to reach their full potential.