Last week Future Foundations returned to Silcoates School for a second ‘Step Up’ training programme, this time with Year 10.
On Friday 11th September we worked with 52 Year 10 students, preparing for their GSCE year.
This one day programme was designed help students to identify and link passions and hobbies to future job or work roles and development areas for ideal future job roles. It also helped them set tangible goals for their GCSEs and beyond; highlighting the link between future success and academic achievement.
The programme was Course Directed by Simone Vincenzi with support from Future Foundations coaches Chloe Cousins and Louis Stokes.
Future Foundations’ facilitators encouraged students to recognise the strengths and attitudes they already have as a way to boost their confidence and motivate them to aim high as well as take personal responsibility over their learning in the build up to their GCSEs, no matter how they have performed previously.
Our coaches delivered the programme through a series of fun, interactive, experiential learning activities followed by focussed discussion and reflection. They developed student’s team work and time management skills, showing the students that through planning and effective time management, they can reduce the pressure of GCSE study and revision.
Feedback from Silcoates students
‘The theme of today was to challenge students to ‘Step Up’, aim high and embrace the opportunities that Year 10 offers both academically and personally.
The tone for the programme was set with a motivational plenary which told the story of’ Jonny and Jake’, 2 young boys who wanted to learn breakdancing. Jonny lets fear of failure take over and rather than challenge himself he gives up before the first dance battle. Jake on the other hand gives it everything he has and even though his performance is not perfect, he manages to win the respect of his peers and the dance battle.
The question we asked Silcoates students is, who do you want to be in life? Jonny or Jake? Do you want to give up at the first hurdle because you “think” you can’t or are you willing to give it a go?
For us, this is what ‘stepping up’ is all about, by adjusting their attitude and approach to challenges young people can achieve great results. As teachers, educators and coaches our role is to push our students to, at least, give it a go. We will never know what magic will result!
– Simone Vincenzi, Course Director
Simone Vincenzi