Flaxmans, the renowned City of London based insurance claims advocates, have chosen to sponsor and provide a unique support and partnership arrangement with Future Foundations.
Flaxmans are no stranger to Future Foundations! The Chairman and founder Roger Flaxman has already played an important role in supporting Future Foundations as far back as 2009, when he was appointed as a member of Future Foundations Advisory Board.
Then in 2013 Roger was invited to be a judge at the first annual festival celebrating the start of Future Foundations’ tenth year in business; following the event he wrote:
He went on to say “In my view Future Foundations unique approach to young people is making a real contribution to the lives of young people both in the UK and indeed globally”.
Following our festival, Roger arranged for Anthony Dallison, Managing Director of Flaxmans, to meet with Future Foundations. Over a period of six months Anthony visited a number of Future Foundations’ programmes and he too quickly shared the same passion for the work being undertaken. In agreeing to and announcing the formalisation of closer working ties and the sponsorship of key events, Anthony Dallison said:
“Future Foundations’ vision is a society where all organisations are led by socially conscious people, with every young person making the transition into adulthood with the foundations they need for their future. Furthermore, we believe these issues sit at the heart of rebuilding our economy and form the very bedrock of the future success of this country”.
As well as both Anthony and Roger committing themselves to the Future Foundations Advisory Board, the arrangement will also encompass one to one mentoring of senior management and key personnel. Flaxmans are also providing their unique management mapping and training programme to five of the Future Foundations office based team over a period of six months. Flaxmans will use their considerable contacts within the insurance and financial sector to encourage other organisations to support the young people Future Foundations works with and create internship experiences for their students.
Jon Harper, CEO of Future Foundations has said, “We are excited to build upon the relationship between Flaxmans and Future Foundations. We have already seen the impact of their approach, through the development by Flaxmans of a risk mapping programme which is helping us to build upon our market leading practice in ensuring our young people have a safe and inspiring experience when attending any of our programmes”.
Flaxmans negotiate and settle business insurance claims, and act as expert witnesses to the judiciary and courts on matters of insurance and broker practice. In addition, Flaxmans designs and implements bespoke insurance packages for businesses and organisations where off the shelf products are not applicable and in providing advice to Board and senior operational levels in the management of insurance and claims risk and their individual professional and personal liability. For more information, visit their website: http://www.flaxmanpartners.co.uk/
For more information please contact Jon Harper.