Register to become a CanTeam Youth Advisor
We are inviting young people to register to become Youth Advisors for CanTeam.
CanTeam is a new initiative, created by Future Foundations to transform school kitchens into vibrant community hubs, by serving healthy food after school, to young people, their families and local community, creating a sustainable solution to food insecurity, and transforming young people’s educational outcomes.
With the support of Big Change, we are working with young people, their schools and communities to develop the concept.
We want CanTeam to be youth created and led.
To become a CanTeam Youth Advisor, please ask your parent/carer to complete our consent form:
- Registration and parent consent form here
Read about CanTeam, our BIG idea for change here
Get in touch, if you think you can help…
- Email: if you have any questions
We are looking for schools to test with and consult on the idea and partners who share our vision and can help us make CanTeam a reality.