This summer, with partners Paddington Education, Future Foundations worked alongside Love Volunteering (LovVol) to deliver four programmes with their volunteers in multiple locations across China. The Bright Futures Summer Schools occurred between the 30th of June and the 11th of August, and aimed to develop the participants confidence in speaking English, as well as their understanding of sustainability and the Four C’s of 21st century learning (Critical Thinking; Communication; Collaboration and Creativity.) Furthermore, the programme provided a life-changing experience for those UK university students who volunteered with LovVol.
The programme was Course Directed by Ben, who delivered the main Future Foundations sessions (including opening and closing sessions), provided training and support to the LovVol volunteers to ensure they felt confident in delivering Future Foundation’s activities, took care of logistical matters and also liaised with clients at each school.
Since 2006, Love Volunteering has aimed to improve university students’ understanding of China, whilst also inspiring the next generation of Chinese children to learn English. They strive to establish all-round education syllabi to complement Chinese children’s usual classroom experience and promote their emotional and intellectual development. Through participating in LovVol’s programmes, university students from around the world are able to explore Chinese culture and contribute to peaceful international relations.
Helen Wu (see right picture), LovVol’s Managing Director, has been at the forefront of the longstanding partnership. Future Foundations enjoys working collaboratively with Helen and the rest of the LovVol team, as together we are able to create immense social impact.

Bright Futures, a 7-day English and leadership development programme for young people (normally aged 11 to 17, but 10 to 17 for this particular one), was delivered by Ben and the LovVol volunteers in four schools in different parts of China.
The programme is extremely multi-faceted, with team coaching at the start and the end of each day, experiential learning team tasks, workshops in sustainability and future world of work skills sessions. Each day students also learn about British culture and education with insightful talks, and STAR students that stand out will be recognised with daily certificates.
If you are interested in bringing Future Foundations training to your school please contact us to explore how we can help your students to reach their full potential.