Parent/Guardian Declaration
I consent to my child attending this event. I give permission to the organisers of this event to contact me and/or my child with further details of the event by email, telephone and/or SMS as required and appropriate.
I acknowledge the need for my child to behave appropriately and responsibly, and to adhere to a code of conduct/minimum standard as specified by the organisers. I understand that if my child does not meet this condition, they will be removed from participating in the remainder of the event at the sole discretion of the organisers as a last resort. In this instance, I agree to cooperate with the organisers to ensure the safe return of my child to their given home address in line with the organisers’ policy(s).
I agree to my child receiving any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment as considered necessary by the medical authorities present without further authorisation. I understand that basic medical supplies – including paracetamol and antihistamines – may be available at the event, and understand my child may self-prescribe supervised use of these supplies for any minor ailments if deemed appropriate by the controlling medical representatives present. I understand the organisers will contact me for further verbal/written authorisation if my child requests repeated use of self-prescription drugs, or if their symptoms are reoccurring or change significantly in nature.
I understand that the organisers cannot be held liable for any incidents that occur outside of their duty of care, including but not limited to unsupervised travel to and from the event/nominated drop off and collection points.