In December 2014 we celebrated the tenth anniversary of Future Foundations. To coincide with our anniversary and the FF Annual Awards, we wanted to re-assess our mission and vision, to make sure they truly encapsulated FF as an organisation and what we stand for. As part of this reassessment, we decided to merge our organisational values and programme themes into a new set of “Foundation Principles”; we want these principles to be a reflection of our staff, the behaviour we encourage in the young people we work with, and in the design and delivery of our programmes.
Click Here to hear the background on these principles from Jon Harper, CEO
Having come up with an initial set of five principles and accompanying logos, in April 2014 we put these principles out to consultation with our Network in order to make sure we really captured the essence of FF. With the feedback we received, our team were able to tweak the initial principles and logos.
We hope you will agree that these are a strong and positive set of Principles which will act as a guide to the staff and young people we work with. Thank you to everyone that contributed their thoughts, time and effort to the relaunch.

Take Responsibility
Owning your actions, your future and your impact.

Pursue Your Passion
Finding what makes you want to wake up every day and bringing your unique energy to life.

Contribute Your Talents
Finding a need and using our talents to meet those needs.

Enjoy The Journey
Striving to live in the present and enjoy the journey of life.