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Hello! I work at Future Foundations London office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Pass by and say Hi for a little human interaction!

Noor AlansariFuture Foundations Senior Project Development Manager

Let’s start with how I began working at FF.

It all started seven months after my little girl was born and I decided it was time to get back to work. As I ventured into the jobhunting world searching across the interwebs, I had a visit from a childhood friend who I knew from New Zealand and hadn’t seen in 11 years. One day while we were chatting at the kitchen table (the centerpoint of our home where food, company and chit chat meet) her sister popped by to say hello. One thing led to another and that hello turned into an email introduction with the CEO of FF, Jon Harper. And well…the rest is history.

That moment proved to me that simple human interaction always wins. I have always been fascinated with the human mind and human interaction. Whether it’s a simple chat with an old friend or simple human observations that we see every day. Before my little one (back when time was free), my partner-in-crime and I used to sit at the train station or pub and observe people as they went about their day (we called it people watching – others called it creepy). Sometimes we would have random conversations with strangers and learn new things about the human mind – things you wouldn’t learn unless you connected with others. It proved to me every time that the reason why we do things, feel certain emotions and watch how it triggers the beautiful mind is a wonderful thing to be a part of. Maybe one day I’ll turn my ‘creepy’ people watching into a profession.